2011 Reading Challenge

Rosa has read 0 books toward a goal of 100 books.

Friday, November 4

Death Blows...a throwback to good female protagonists

Rosa Folgar's review Nov 04, 11 · edit

Read from February 07 to November 04, 2011

I love the premise of this series. Jace reminds me of a young Anita Blake (Laurel K Hamilton) only before she became a total slutty harem holder....back to young kick ass Anita vampire hunter, who was someone a girl could look up to. That's Jace. She is sarcastic and independent and can handle herself around werewolves, vampires, golems, and psychos.

In this book, she pauses her hunt for Bram Stoker when murders hit those close to her. Namely, Gretchen's baby-daddy who gets found in a Flash costume, on a treadmill, struck by lightning and a green skeleton. From there, the murders get curiouser and curiouser. While she is trying to tie all the crazy murders together and solve them, she is learning more about the universe she is stuck in and defining her life in it and her relationships with its inhabitants (Charlie, Cassius, Pete...)

I would have given this book a 5, except I kept getting lost with all the comic book talk. In fact, I still don't really understand some of what happened and it's my second time reading it....i just vaguely get to the outcome. I looked up the author and found out he is a comic book nut so it's to be expected and in a couple of ways, It's kind of refreshing. As someone who reads a lot of urban fantasy/preternatural romance, it sometimes seems like we are recycling the same plots and characters over and over again. This was a welcome, if confusing, change (I dont read, follow or like comics).

I both loved and hated the twist at the end with Dr Pete/Tair. It actually made me tear up....But I can't wait to see where he goes w it. The other thing was the shock at finding out the author was male. Not that I care either way, but kudos on getting so convincingly inside a woman's head. Not just anyone can do that as well as this author. Definitely going to read the third book. Have to follow Jace in her adventures (hopefully I understand them more) and find out if she ever makes it back to our universe...or if at the end she even wants to. And I'm rooting for Dr Pete.

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