2011 Reading Challenge

Rosa has read 0 books toward a goal of 100 books.

Monday, May 23

More by Heidi Marshall actually is full of LESS!!!

Ugh! This book is sucking the life from me!!! We are adults. 27 years old, and we can't discuss sex with out dying of embarrassment and swooning at such a sin, but we can all laugh at vaginal cream humor?

Oh emmmm geeeee! Then of course, there are the little foibles that are meant to come across as....cute? Endearing? But fall so short on a naive (stupid) adult woman, they just kinda piss me off.

I'm all for the awkwardness and shyness of dating and meeting people and starting relationships, but this is SO DUMB.

I talk a lot of shit on men. I totally have fun w the male/female dynamic. Men are from Mars/Women are from Venus crap. When guys do stupid things, I totally sigh and say "men!" with the rest of the girls, but this "author" makes men out to be stupid. If I were a man, I would be offended.

Oh, and I hate the random insight to character thoughts when it's in the third person narrative. WTF? Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

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Location:California Ave,Lynwood,United States