2011 Reading Challenge

Rosa has read 0 books toward a goal of 100 books.

Friday, April 8

Laughing moons and getting old

So I got out pretty late and one of my co-workers was supposed to get picked up by her irresponsible sister. As expected, being an irresponsible sister, she didn't show and turns out was on her way to Anaheim instead of Compton and couldn't find her way back. Being the kick ass kind of person I am, I told my co-worker to send said sister back home and I would drop her off. The ride was pleasant and we shared our frustrations and I dropped her off safe and sound in maybe 20 mins, easy peasy.

Then I had to make my way home. Luckily, my coworker lives only 15 mins or so from my house, pretty close to major cross streets (Atlantic/Rosecrans.) Normally, this wouldn't b a problem, but it's 11pm and I forgot that I couldn't find my glasses before work. So the I was. Alone. Late. And I couldn't for the life of me make out any stupid roadsigns.

Now before you go all 911 on me, I have to point out that I'm not THAT blind. I wasn't going to accidentally go off-roading or hitting cars, but lights all look fuzzy and I can't read street names until I am close enough to pass them.

The only think my unfortunate eyes could make out was the sliver of moon, the small crescent that looks like the lopsided Cheshire Cat grin.

So there I was. Cold, lost, alone...and being mocked by the moon. Stupid moon. What do u know?

Enough to laugh at me for being a dork for forgetting my glasses is my guess. First thing imma do when i get into my room is look for those stupid specs. I hadn't realized how dependent I was on them. I hate getting old.

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