2011 Reading Challenge

Rosa has read 0 books toward a goal of 100 books.

Sunday, January 11

I need to MOVE...

I want to die....slowly and painfully. Turns out BBKitty was not being a horrible b*tch teasing me about last night. I GAVE HIM A LAP DANCE!! WTF! I want to die. I just want to die.

how am I ever going to be able to look him in the face ever again. no wonder he was being all wierd. Oh man.

Member the vegas thing with four girls and one Kirk?! I felt wierd and akward the next morning, but it was no big deal. This. Is. Killing. Me. I am never going to be able to get over this.

Why did no one smack me upside the head. I was fine in my ignorance. Bliss. now I will forever be that slutty heifer who GAVE HIM A LAP DANCE.

why, oh why cant the earth just open up and swallow me whole.

so...after wanting ti DIE and crying, just a little bit from histericks, i find out its a joke. bastards.