2011 Reading Challenge

Rosa has read 0 books toward a goal of 100 books.

Saturday, March 3

Boys over flowers and Playful Kiss

Why do such banal things make my heart go pitter-patter? Ugh! Am I like one of these heroines where when u throw me a small bone, I forgive and forget all my wonderfully delicious cynicism and turn into a doe-eyed romantic?


It's like Yi Jueng said, "I bet I can tell. If you had to choose between good news and bad news first, you want the bad news."

Gaul's answer is, "how did you know I would want the bad news first?"

His cool response? "Because good girls always want a happy ending"

Eeeeek!! Insert fan-girl squeal!

It also reminds me of Saving Francesca. When Christobal does something to break Frenchie's heart and the chicks kidnap her for a girl day consisting of junk food, Boy-hating music like Alanis Morsette, doing each other nail and hair, and tops off with good-ol-fashioned Pride&Prrjudice.

And it hits her. Right at that part when Darcy shows his feelings for Elizabeth, when he is coming out of the lake (of course)! And Frankie can't help but still be hopeful about love. And she stops watching the movie, instead to watch her friends, and she sees it in their faces too. Each one of them, from quiet Josie, bitchy Sihoban, and even jaded Tara.....they are not all as tough as they seem..."we are all fools, in love"

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