2011 Reading Challenge

Rosa has read 0 books toward a goal of 100 books.

Wednesday, February 2

Good luck flows on...

I'm sitting in the freezing cold, still trying to battle a bad sore throat and even worse case of the flu, eating a cold stale lunch. Why? Why am I in the parking lot to the Compton BBY eating lunch and freezing my butt of and not toasty warm inside in the break room? Cuz I'm a genius and not only locked my keys in the car, but left them IN the ignition....ready for any passer by to break a window and make off w my precious baby.

So I called my dad and he's on the way w his spare, but I only have 45 min in my lunch...we live 15 min away, factoring in that I wasted 5 min figuring out where my keys were, the way he drives, and traffic hour...I shall freeze my ass off, be late from lunch, and prob get in my car in about 2 hrs....unless I choose to go inside and risk someone seeing my keys, be warm, but maybe come out to a missing vehicle tonight at 10pm.

I may be uncomfortable right now, but I really don't wanna have to file a police report later. Gay!

- (=^_^=) meow