ughh! Can't seem to find the energy to finish Incarceron....... Im thinking its more of a mood thing and I've been a little unfair to the book, but I can't help it. I guess I like some Sci-fi aspects to my reads, but full on, its a little overwhelming, and if Im honest...boring.
I realized long ago, that for me to like books, they need to fill certain criteria
1) I have to be able to identify with one of the characters. If I can't, then its death to that book then and there. If it not something I can imagine myself doing or someone I can imagine myself being, that book will forever collect dust as a "pending" read and never be finished.
2)There has to be a little romance. It doesn't have to be a Harlequin (tho every now and then they might be fun) but i do need at least a little tease of some romantic tension. No tension, no interest. Just the way it is.
3) the story has to move at a good pace to maintain my interest. Most of the books that I love, I really can read in one go because it is so easy to lose track of time. I will gladly lose sleep over them. I usually have every Intention of reading for a half hour or so before bed, and before I know it, the roosters are crowing and the sun starts streaking through the curtains and its a Visine kind of day. If the book moves too fast where I can't follow, or too slow (mega torture) I will either skip to the end and call it quits, or finish...eventually.
Still working on that Urban Shaman book. Its got a great heroine. she kicks ass, there is a fantasy aspect with the whole fae, demon, healing thing, but not enough romance...barely a hint and its taking SO LOOOOONG! grrr! so much potential. NE ways, Incarceron falls here.....So do Clarkson's books (but that is more because they are too British for me to understand sometimes...and he shit talks Americans. A lot.)
Wednesday, January 26
looking for some Divine...motivation...
Jeremy Clarkson,
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